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Oct. 7/2003
Well we have not been to the dog park in awhile, but we did go to White Rock Lake this morning. When we woke up it was all foggy outside so we had to go on a good long walk. The weirdest thing happened, we were swooped 4 times by this really huge bird called a Red Tail Hawk, well Mom was trying to tell me it was a Red Tailed Scottie Raptor, but it was just a regular Hawk. I did not even know what happened the first time he swooped my back I just felt a tingle, and then I saw him swoop Nessie, and then I realized how cool this bird was. I think he wanted to pick us up and ride us around the lake I was really excited because I have always wanted to fly you know. Mom must have realized this too because she put me on a leash. At first I was not sure if she wanted to prevent me from flying with this guy or if she was planning to hang on to the leash and go with us when he picked me up. Then on the fourth swoop she started yelling at the bird and it was then I figured out she was not really keen on the idea. At any rate it was a really cool bird ...never been swooped like that before.

Lola & Me & Nessie

Saying goodbye to a pal through the fence

Rubber Duck found on the shores of White Rock Lake. 3/07/03

Aug. 15/2003

Today was Lola's last day so to celebrate her going off to college, Nessie and I took the humans to the dog park! Not much action, but there were 4 young, and highly animated, dogs that we ran with. It was pretty warm out so Nessie and I dragged our humans to the edge of the lake where we proceeded to wade in the water. What a grand time! The water cooled us down and made the end of the park romp more fun. We're sure going to miss our human Lola, but I asked her personally to come back and visit. I heard rumor we may see her again in December! I sure hope so, she always gives me special attention and a Scottie can never have enough of that.

July 10/2003

Not a very eventful day at the park. There were two dogs frolicking in the shade and two Italian Greyhounds chased a few balls. My human tried to get me to play with a big blue ball but it was just too hot. We ventured to the small dog park and I visited with a Chihuahua and Rottweiler pup but it was much too warm to stick around. Talk about the dog days of summer! I can't wait until it cools off.

April, 25/2003

Today was such a lovely day! I took the humans to the big dog park AND the little dog park! I met two feisty mini-pinchers named Jackson and Micky. Micky was quite a hyper fellow. Not much action today just a little relaxation.




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