
Wan Magazine (Japan)
December 1999
We have no idea what this pet related article says since it is all in Japanese. However this was our first full color magazine article, and so we were of course thrilled with the coverage. Atticus was also quite proud that his Scottie art was featured in the article. He has since made a few good pen pals in Japan.
Fido Friendly
Fall 2001
"Art Paw Creating Digital Dogs" by Karen L. Lew
This was a well written two page article featuring several different styles of our pet art. Atticus was again thrilled that they used his art in the story. He has quite an ego you know.
Animal Fair
Winter Issue 2002
Art Paw was featured in Animal Fair's the Best of Dallas. We were listed as the "Best Customized gift for Pet Owners". They used Daisy the Pug in this story. |
Where Magazine
Dallas April 2002
"The Ultimate Dallas" by Paula Phelps & Will Fry
"Best Place To Show Your Pets You Were Thinking About Them on Vacation". This was another terrific "Best of Dallas" theme and we were thrilled to have Dozer the Bulldog featured in full color for this pet related article. |
Dallas Morning News
Saturday December 14, 2002
"Animal artistry" by Aline McKenzie
This is by far our favorite featured story yet since it was in our hometown paper the Dallas Morning News. Aline McKenzie is a very clever writer and she seemed to have a good time with the story, tossing in a few doggy puns without overdoing it. We were very honored to be fortunate enough to have such a terrific write up. |
Palm Beach Post
December 5, 2002
"Doggone decent gifts for dogs and purr-fect picks for kitties" by Staci Sturrock
A fun mention featuring Murphy the Pug's Warhol styled pet art . |
Dallas Morning News
Thursday May 27, 2004
"Haute dog" by Tracy Achor Hayes
We have a nice little mention in this fun piece on "Haute Dogs". This terrific article was actually picked up by newspapers in Phoenix, New Mexico and Washington. |
D Magazine
June 2004
"Paw Prints" by Ashley Womble
This article covered a variety of very talented pet artists and we feel fortunate to be included in such good company. Thanks Ashley and thanks D Magazine! |
Austin Home and Living
August 2004
Austin is just about one of the coolest places on the planet and so we were very excited to be included in this good looking Austin interior design magazine. |
May 2003
They say that any press is good press so when this well known Men's magazine asked to feature us in an article titled "Fido on Canvas" we said sure. I can't say that any 20 - 30 year old single males ordered dog art that month, but this fun article does round out the variety of clippings we have in our scrapbook. At least there were no totally nude women (or dogs) in the magazine. |
Money Magazine
December 2004
Page 148 "Picks by Laura Charles Johnson "
Great little feature in this terrific publication's holiday gift guide. Our Cafe Press gift shop items were featured in this great little article for pet lovers. |
KSDK NBC News Saint Louis
January 11, 2005
Art Paw was chosen web site of the day! Thanks to Jennifer Bloom for talking up Art Paw on the news. Jennifer was an Art Paw client in 2004 when she ordered a portrait of her sweet pooch Roy. |
Digital Output
October , 2003
The Dollars in Digital. Nice technology article by Mike Antoniak. We were very excited to be included in this well respected trade publication. Click here for an on-line version of this article. |
Washington Post Express
August 2006
Thanks to all the folks at the Washington Post Express for featuring Art Paw. We are thrilled that they chose to use Sirloin the Pug's portrait in this terrific feature on custom artwork. They refer to "punch hued canvas from Art Paw". I love that ... |
December, 2006
Art Paw was featured in DFW DOG. They used some of our all-time favorite artworks, such as Nikki the Boston and GiGi the Pit bull. This is a great issue with a fun interview with the Dog Whisperer, so check it out. The two-page spread on Art Paw talks about our history a little and Rebecca's current painterly style of art.Art Paw's entire staff is mentioned and we are very pleased about that. Thanks to Angela and the whole crew over at DFW Dog. Click here for the full article. |